The magic is in you!

Finally.. I’ve managed to finish setting up my blog!!

Hi, I’m Caroline and I’m here to help you coach your life. In a nutshell I want to help you get your sparkle back ✨ After all… you know YOU best! I am a certified Life Coach and my aim is to help more people than just my 1 to 1 clients.

So this blog is to help YOU when you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed, or maybe low on confidence and in need of inspiration and motivation to get you feeling like you again, or maybe even to discover your true self for the first time…

It’s time to shine bright!

Be brave… rise up and own YOU! 👊 Own your past, your present and your future. Be proud of who you are, where you’ve been and what you’ve been through.

You are wonderful. You are unique. You are YOU and no one else can ever match your beauty, your quirks, your imperfections, your curves, your edges, your combination of life experience, behaviours and memories.

But more than that, no one can match the unique potential of your future self that you haven’t even met yet 💖

Spread light. Spread love. The magic is in you ✨

It’s time to start living

The magic happens when you start loving yourself

Last week on Instagram I wrote about damaging my car in a silly incident where I wasn’t paying attention. It could so easily have been avoided 🙈 We are quick to berate ourselves at times like this when we feel that we could and should have done better!

Trouble is, we can’t ever change the past. We can only learn from it. So, don’t beat yourself up. Self-love involves being kind to yourself, like you would someone you loved. Be mindful of your thoughts and don’t let negativity take over. Difficult situations are never permanent 👊

“When you love yourself, life will begin to love you back” ✨

Vex King

Know that you CAN improve and WANT the best for yourself ✨ That is acceptance. Getting aware of ourselves and being kind to ourselves so that we have the space and motivation to level-up and trust that we can.

After all, we care about the things we love, right?! So I believe starting with self-love can make our self-care practices even stronger 💪 In my FREE 5 minute Self-Love Workbook I share a quick but powerful morning self-love practice, affirmations for enhancing positive feelings, plus an easy daily gratitude practice.

Start with you, and everything else will start to magically fall into place ✨ It’s time to start filling that cup. Click below to get my self-love workbook to help you go from ‘glass half empty’ to ‘glass half full’ (or fuller!) in just 5 minutes a day.

You got this! I believe in you ✨ Caroline x

Thanks for being here! If you’d like to find out more about me and how I could help you, click here